

Telling the story of the The Women Delegates Fund, an innovative program to advance women’s voice and leadership in the international climate change process.


Women’s Environment and Development Organization

Media Makers

Wambui Gichobi, John Wambugu, Bunker Seyfert


November, 2016


Marrakesh, Morocco

The Women Delegates Fund was created by Women’s Environment and Development Organization – WEDO, to advance women’s voice and leadership in the international climate change process. This is not a program aimed only at bringing women to the table, but in creating a step-change in the power dynamics of the UN climate negotiations, and in all relevant bodies, towards one which encompasses women and men’s equal right to participate in decision-making processes. Research shows that gender imbalances differ across countries and regions. Women’s participation in Eastern and Western Europe, for example, is around 45%, while it is around 21% in Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. The Women Delegates Fund aims at bringing more women from these regions to the negotiating tables by providing travel funds and then equipping these women with negotiating skills before the UN Climate talks to better represent their regions.