Our mission.

We produce strategic visual media content that builds momentum for movements and community resilience all over the world.

Our vision.

Our journey is rooted in the pursuit of justice and equality. We share stories, amplify voices, and shift culture around what’s possible in the face of our greatest challenges.

Together, we can strip power from harmful narratives, inspire action, and make communities more resilient.

Our Team

Ringing Endorsements

-Jewish Voices for Peace

“Survival Media Agency is one of those rare groups that offers more than a billable list of services. Their clear and proactive communication, active listening, and flexibility only begin to describe how they coordinated around our chaotic plans.”

- Bill McKibben, 350.org

"A tree falling in the forest alone famously makes no noise; and even the biggest protest, undocumented, makes no difference. Survival Media Agency always makes sure the climate movement's stories get out, and beautifully!”

- Climate Justice Alliance

“Not only did SMA deliver a beautiful video and in a timely manner, they were also able to fully harness the project's vision and evoke the essence of our narrative. However, the true gift in partnering with SMA is their collective orientation towards building just futures – it's the lens through which they apply every aspect of their visual storytelling – resulting in grounded, authentic, and powerful work. “